Another thought, some grinders are offered with different sized spindles.
Maybe you can look at replacement parts and see if they make one with 5/8
spindle and just swap it out.
Message: 1
> anyone know of a adapter that will screw onto a 1/2" spindle and size
> up to a
> 5/8 ????
1/2" is almost the tap drill for 5/8", meaning a sleeve would be weak.
Using a standoff type adapter would probably not be a good idea either,
since it moves the flap wheel farther away from the grinder, which will
increase vibration and the stress on the bearings.
Might be best to just put the grinder with the 1/2" shaft up on eBay and buy
another grinder with 5/8".
Another alternative might be to machine a new shaft with 5/8" threads.