OK, As part of my Squadron Historian duties of the US Army, 102 CAV, I
have found 6 16mm rolls of film.
I'm not exactly sure what is on these. I know there are services out
there that can transfer them to DVD. But here is my problem.
I'm not sure what exactly is on them. So I don't want to spend money from
the Essex's troop (this money is all donated and not from the unit) if the
film is worthless or blank.
So, does anyone have experience on a service that I can use to transfer
them, and an idea on how to view them first without wasting alot of money.
Note, there is a chance that footage on these rolls may be of historic
value so I don't want to lose, or mess them up.
Eric P
"Be as beneficent as the sun or the sea, but if your rights as a rational
being are trenched on, die on the first inch of your territory." Ralph
Waldo Emerson