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[Shop-talk] CAT Cable to Garage

Subject: [Shop-talk] CAT Cable to Garage
From: jandkstone99 at (Jim Stone)
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2011 12:37:15 -0500
References: <BB36B1EAB6D74F6FA6006950AF9253D1@dellPC>, , <>, <>, <COL115-W26C0CB92E2D0115C7D98C4CC5E0@phx.gbl>, <>
Rather than hijack Bob's thread, i thought I'd start a new one based on Mike's
suggestion, as this is actually the right time to do this.  We are putting an
addition on our house that necessitated pulling up the underground conduit
that brought power from the house to the garage.  They have just jury-rigged
something for now, but they will be re-running everything shortly.  Can I just
run the cable in the conduit with the main wire (I have 100 amp service in the
garage), or do I need to 1) run a smaller piece of conduit along side it for
the computer cable or 2) just get bury-able cable and lay it in the trench?  I
will probably run a cable line while I am at it, just in case I ever decide to
put a TV in there too.


> Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2011 09:52:04 -0700
> From: mikey at
> To: shop-talk at
> Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Wifi to the garage
>   wire the garage and be done with it, so easy and so much faster than
>      mike

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