I currently use a 14k BTU Mr. Heater tank-top style heater to heat the garage
up and work on the car. What I'd like is something that can heat the garage
up quicker and get it about 5-10 degrees warmer for the extra cold
days/nights. All this snow and colder weather, means less desire to go out
there and beat the cold.
So I'm thinking a torpedo style in the 35-55k BTU range would do the trick. I
already have a few 20# propane tanks around, and I don't think I'd like the
smell of Kerosene much. Does the torpedo style do a good job of pushing heat
into the space? Does it need alot of clearance in the front of it, or does it
get too hot? I have a 20' x 20' uninsulated, old garage with a peaked roof,
and I run a ceiling fan up there when it's heated.
Any particular brands to look for or stay away from? Amazon has some pretty
amazing looking deals on Mr. Heater brands. I'd rather buy new and stay away
from a used and potentially unsafe unit... Based on reviews I'm leaning
toward this unit:
im_k_2 The adjustable heat setting would be useful I think. 55k output seems
pretty good for my situation.
Anyone have issues with the moisture output from this size of a propane heater
and their tools? Never noticed any issues with my smaller one.
Also want to invest in a CO detector for the garage... Should I worry about
a fresh air source at this size heater?
Any way, thanks for any input.-PJ