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[Shop-talk] Best dishwasher? (and milk)

Subject: [Shop-talk] Best dishwasher? (and milk)
From: tr3driver at (Randall)
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 15:26:08 -0800
References: <002901cbbd03$a76b4dd0$f641e970$> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
> Yeah, I've seen the PETA crazies stuff.  Logically, it should not be
> more gross than cow secretions, but it is.

We're wandering way off topic here, but I wonder how many people that have
actually milked a cow feel that way?  How about those who were breast-fed as

The biggest difference may be that breast milk didn't come from something
that gets drug through the cow shit^^^^manure every day.

-- Randall 

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