Sounds good to me. The transponder number are really not what you need
to be looking at, but the satellite azimuth. The transponders are all on
the same satellite, but are pointed at different areas. The receiver
will select the transponder with the best signal. As for the satellites,
all TV channels are not all on all satellites. That is why if/when you
upgrade to HD, they have to add either an additional feed horn to your
existing dish, or an entirely new dish pointing at the HD satellite.
Around here (Central Texas) we use 110 and 118 for normal channels and
(I think) something in the 60's for HD.
FWIW, we get good heavy downpours from time to time, and we loose
signal, even though we have near 100% signal strength on the on-screen
aiming. We have 2 dishes, one about 12 years old, and another one about
2 years old, which I aimed to get best signal. They both drop out in
heavy rain, but not fog/medium rain. Neither are HD.
Thusly spake David Hillman, On 1/20/2010 10:21 AM:
> On Wed, 20 Jan 2010, Arvid Jedlicka wrote:
>> I will agree with "poorly aimed" and the difference between "signal
>> on the meter" and "maximum signal strength".. I have installed and
>> aimed both my old dish and the new HD dish. The old dish was
>> reasonably tolerant of aim to the point where I could aim it using
>> the receivers signal strength meter and get good results.
> I was wondering if maybe the difference between my experience and
> others' had to do with the age of the equipment. I've had DTV since
> '99, and only the set-top box has been replaced ( 8 or 9 years ago the
> first one flaked out ). Maybe the newer non-HD equipment is more
> reliable?
> That said, what do you guys consider sufficient signal? I get 100%
> on 2 transponders, low/mid-nineties on a dozen others,
> seventies/eighties on about 15, and none at all on a couple. ( All
> on-screen meter numbers. )
> --
> David Hillman
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