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Re: [Shop-talk] Soda Blasting: My Experience

To: Tony Vaccaro <>, Shop-Talk List
Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Soda Blasting: My Experience
From: Doug Braun <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 18:45:35 -0700 (PDT)
You need to have a real pressure-pot sandblaster, not
a siphon type, and you have to buy the retrofit kit
(some special valves) that is on sale these days for
$109 or so.  Go check out  You also
need a more butch air compressor (220 volt 2-stage).

I think soda blasting would be of less value for
wheels, since they are not attached to anything that
would be damaged by sand. (You could soda-blast wheels
with the tires on, if for some reason that was

Whenever I get around to refinishing my car's wheels,
I can blast them in my blast cabinet, since I was
careful to make it large enough for the wheels to fit
inside.  That's the best solution of all, since there
is very little cleanup.


--- Tony Vaccaro <> wrote:

> Tell me more. I have some wheels to blast and I have
> a sears sandblaster
> unit. How much as the Soda...can I do it with what I
> have?  I have a smaller
> 5hp know like 10 gal tank...
> Tony V
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