Gerald Brazil wrote:
> My wife has populated every room in the house with these little devices that
> plug into an outlet. They have a little red led and an opening that looks
> like a tiny speaker. According to her, they are for keeping insects and
> rodents away. I personally believe (and have told her so, at risk of bodily
The ones I've seen claim to emit ultrasonic sound, and repel pests.
From stuff I've read online, they have little or no effect on pests.
Someone plugged a number of them in around my mom's house. I wanted to
get rid of them, but was vetoed and told "they didn't seem to be hurting
anything." Well, that turned to BS. One of them overheated, melted the
plastic faceplate and the electrical outlet and its cover! Obviously
they were all discarded after that.
Googling ultrasonic pest turned up a bunch of stuff, including:
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