In San Diego we pay around 25 cents per kilowatt hour for the second
and third tier rates (about half our usual bill), when you sort out
the byzantine statement from SDG&E. It makes a grid- tied system
pretty attractive.
Just a note, from what I have read of the rules and regs in CA, your
friendly public utility will not pay you at the end of the year if you
have sent it a net positive amount of power. On the other hand the
utility is 'buying' your power at the retail delivered rate, not what
it pays wholesale suppliers so it kinda balances out.
So if you don't use enough power on air conditioning this summer, let
those Christmas lights blaze away next December :-) Or see your home
as better than carbon neutral.
On Sat, 16 Jun 2007 13:12:39 -0700, you wrote:
::Our electricity rates for Edison in SoCal are some of the highest in the
::country. That makes solar a lot more attractive. Plus, I think California
::offers some incentives. For the next house, I'm definitely going to
::consider it.
::Thanks for the data point Doug. I found it interesting.