On 1/1/06, JAMES STONE <jandkstone99@msn.com> wrote:
> The turn signals on my daughters 1996 Honda Accord do not work properly
> when it is cold outside (less than 45 degrees, or so). If you leave the
> switch on for about a minute it will eventually start clicking very rapidly,
> and then work normally. The colder it is, the longer it takes to activate.
> The right side flasher is worse then the left, but neither works well all
> the time. They were fine all spring, summer, and fall.
My first thought is to check the grounds. I had a car that did this
brand new. The dealer replaced the flasher, eventually the turn
signal stalk. The problem turned out to be a defective socket, with a
bad ground wire. I'm not clear on how the front left turn signal
caused the right side not to work properly, but it did.
David Scheidt