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RE: rim rusted on utility trailer

Subject: RE: rim rusted on utility trailer
From: "Rich White" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 17:59:04 -0500
I got the rim off the trailer.  Now I can get new tires and start on the 
honey do tasks
need stuff hauled.

I do not know if it was the kroil, PB Blaster, the heat or the BFH.
My guess is that all of them helped.

Thanks again to all that gave me suggestions and support.

Rich White  St. Joseph, IL USA

>From: "Rich White" <>
>Reply-To: "Rich White" <>
>Subject: RE: rim rusted on utility trailer
>Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 18:43:08 -0500
>Thanks to everyone who responded, both on and off the list.
>I have the BFH so I  ordered the kroil.  Their web site now has a order 
>form, so we will see how it
>goes when it gets here.
>Thanks again!!
>Rich White  St. Joseph, IL USA

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