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Cleaning the gutters

To: <>
Subject: Cleaning the gutters
From: "Mark Watson" <>
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 22:43:07 -0400
Hi there,

     I don't have any useful experience with cleaning gutters other than the
 old fashioned way you mention so I can't help with any info on how
 a pressure washer based solution would be.  However, it certainly looks
 a neat product - well I mean a messy but potentially effective product.

     However, I want to mention a product that I had installed on the back
 my house.  I would have had it installed on the whole house and the garage
 but couldn't afford it.  It is a product called "Flip-Clean" gutters.
 Unfortunately it may not be available in your area.  A website showing a
 drawing of the installed system is:

     In the drawing the man is wearing a suit while cleaning (flipping) the
 gutter to clean it.  You can really do that - and I have.  The only
 to the system is that the debris falls out of the gutter in a line on the
 ground right under the gutter.  However, I don't find that to be too much
 a problem - YMMV.

     I tried to buy the brackets from the guy who sells them here in
 (either he is the inventor or the son of the inventor - not sure) but he
 wouldn't sell them to me citing "insurance reasons" - I think profit
 but I could be wrong.  Maybe he'd sell to someone outside the Richmond
 don't know.  His name, address and phone number are: Don Faye, Flip
 2104 Decatur St #A, Richmond VA, (804) 233-4845
 Another company is: Flip Gutters of Atlanta 58 River Chase Dr. Villa 30180
 404-784-7414 770-456-9408


 Mark Watson

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wayne Farrington" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 1:31 PM
> Subject: Cleaning the gutters
> >
> > Just got done cleaning out the gutters on my shop. There are large
numbers of
> > trees all around the shop that deposit their pine needles, leaves,
> > etc in the gutters, and the gutters fill up quite rapidly. I've tried
> > different grating inserts that are supposed to prevent the debris from
> > into the gutter. Both of them just made the problem worse, so I've come
to the
> > conclusion that I just need to clean the gutters more frequently I
> >
> > This job is a pia as the gutters are 13' off the ground. It is a metal
> > building with a steep pitched metal roof that I don't want to be walking
on. I
> > currently have to rent a 12' step ladder for the front side, and use my
> > ext. ladder for the back side. The ext. ladder won't work on the front
> > because of the overhang - no place to lean the ladder. The step ladder
> > work on the back side because of the congestion on the ground -
> > shed, wood pile etc. So I climb the ladder and use a makeshift scoop to
> > out the debris and put it in a 5 gal. bucket.
> <snip>
> > Wayne

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