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$^%&@% bandsaw piece of $#&^%@&@!!

Subject: $^%&@% bandsaw piece of $#&^%@&@!!
From: Eric Murray <>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 16:09:14 -0700

I've got one of those $179 Harbor Freight (or Jet or Enco) metal
bandsaws.  Since I've gotten it I've had a problem with the band
jumping off the wheels.  There's an adjustment for setting the
angle of the top (non-driven) wheel.  I've played with it and sometimes
gotten it to stay on for a while.  I thought I'd finally figured it out
recently when I managed to cut some PVC and then cut through a
tractor PTO driveshaft without the band jumping off the wheel.

But today I went to whack up some 1x1 square tubing for a stand, and it's
jumping off every 30 seconds.  $^#&%#!!!

I've got the guide rollers as close to the work as I can get them.
I thought that helped, but I guess I was wrong.

Does anyone know how to adjust these infernal pieces of #&%#&% so
they work right?


  Eric Murray  ericm at  PGP keyid:E03F65E5
                     Consulting Security Architect

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