OK listers, here's your chance to give me a lot of good advice.
I just bought a Rusty Red Pickup Truck to use at, and leave at our Little
House on the Prairie. I plan to leave it unused for at least 6 months of the
year in a barn that serves as the Rodent Hilton. The "guest" of the Hilton
range from little field mice with big black eyes to pack rats the size of
small dogs. I have heard of things to do to discourage these "guests" from
taking up residence in my RRPT. Such strategies include: A) stuffing the
tail pipe and air intake with steel wool; B) putting mothballs in the cab;
and C) leaving the hood open wide to keep the pack rats from building nests
on the top of the motor.
Does anybody know if any of these things work? Does anybody have any other
sure fire ways to discourage them and keep them from chewing on wires and
making nests and messes.
All suggestions appreciated.