Styrofoam. You want something light and white. I used old 2x4 ceiling
tiles my neighbor was throwing away. Put them up with drywall screws and
fender washers. Grabbed the spray gun and spit a couple crappy coats of
glass white on them. Then I moved 6 months later. New garage is still
full of boxes... ;-)
At 10:52 PM 11/15/99 , Vaughn Rockney was inspired to say:
>I'm wrestling with the same problem right now. I need to put a ceiling in a
>32 x 40 shop with insulation above the ceiling in the rafters. I've
>considered a drop ceiling, plain plywood, or plywood paneling installed
>backside down. What I'm really looking for is something that looks like
>ceiling tile, comes in 4 x 8 sheets, is light, fire retardant, costs $10 a
>sheet, and can be nailed and/or glued directly to the bottom of the joists.
>Is there such a material?