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Re: Heating Garage

To: David Ligda <>
Subject: Re: Heating Garage
From: Chris Heerschap <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 20:10:41 -0500
David Ligda wrote:
> >If your garage has poor insulation, consider fixing that first.
> Hmmm... I've got some work to do.  Nothing is insulated out there (pretty
> typical).  Unfortunately it will mean tearing down the drywall that is
> already up.  That would not be a great loss since it's old, ugly, and dingy.
> I was hoping to spend the winter working on the car rather than the garage.
>  Sounds like I'm going to have to rethink the projects.

Actually, I don't think you have to rip down the drywall just yet.

My garage isn't insulated with fiberglass but does have the drywall, and
that helps immensely.  It's not nearly as good as a wall with
insulation, sure, but the drywall gives you airspace.  I don't know what
the "R" value of drywall is, but the fact that it gives you two walls
for the heat to transfer through greatly increases the insulation
capability of the wall.  I remember from my MechE heat transfer class
that air is a great insulator if it stays still.  It's when it moves
around that it's no good.  That's what insulation does... keep the air
still.  It's the air in insulation that does most of the insulating, not
the fiberglass.  So although there will still be air movement inside the
wall, it won't be the same air you're in.

For right now, I would (actually, I *am*) concentrate on the big stuff
like thin, uninsulated garage doors, windows, air gaps, the like.  Right
now the garage doors are uninsulated (along with the walls) and just
making sure all the external seals are good and tight has made a
noticable difference!

Taking down drywall is a project, and I'm gonna have to do it as well,
eventually.  Theoretically you could just have insulation blown in, but
if you're anything like me, you're probably thinking how cool it would
be to put in additional electrical outlets and such and do the job
right. ;D

With the big leaks out of the way, a good heater should get you through
the winter... at least that's what *I* think...

Chris Heerschap, UNIX Systems Mutilator/Postmaster

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