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Re: Loc-Tite vs. Anti-Sieze

To: "Matt Liggett" <>
Subject: Re: Loc-Tite vs. Anti-Sieze
From: "John Hardy" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 23:52:46 +0100
Matt Liggett writes...................

> Everyone,
> I'm currently drilling out 2 waterpump bolts which are really badly
> siezed in my A-series block.  When I'm done, I plan to install studs and
> nuts instead of bolts.  Carroll Smith reccomends the use of Loc-Tite on
> studs that are installed in a casting.  Makes sense to me, but I also
> want to Anti-Sieze these buggers so they don't do this to me again!  What
> to do?  Should I just throw the Loc-Tite out for these paticular items?
> Will Loc-Tite prevent corrosion?

Loctite is a wonderful product but it is semi permanent. There is NO
solvent. I've checked wirth the makers. You could end up drilling the studs
out again because you cross threaded a nut or something. There is a place
and a use for these products but I think some discrimination is called for.
To recommend always using it on castings is a touch reckless. I'll never
forget the happy evening spent drilling and disintegrating a nut on a
steering wheel. Seizing is caused by electrolytic action between aluminium
and steel and a copper grease is best used. In fact use it on everything
outside the engine.

Blessings be upon you and yours


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