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Re: Parts Washer Warning

To: Malaboge <>
Subject: Re: Parts Washer Warning
From: Tom <>
Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 00:04:42 -0600

Malaboge wrote:

> Guys-
> Allow me to interject here on an important point...
> Please do not use "used" oil filters on your setup. Lead from your engine
> bearings accumulates in the oil filter when on the engine, you then run
> solvent thru the filter on the tank, and the solvent is quickly polluted with
> the lead. Bare hands in the solvent, and breathing the vapors, result in
> poisoning yourself with the lead.
> I already weigh enough...I don't need any extra "heavy" metal...
>     Nick in Nor Cal

 YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Do you realize that how many engine 
bearings you'd have to
ingest everyday
to cause lead poisoning?
  You Californians have been so brainwashed by the enviromentalist wackos
it's not even funny!!
 Oh,I realize that you have some severe enviromental problems out there,but you 
still live there,and
then you have the gall to tell me to be careful with the
minute amounts of lead that may be left in a used oil filter!! PLEASE!!!!!!!

 I once heard a comedian,talking about the people starving in Etheopia,
of course they are starving,they live in the middle of the desert,hasn't anyone 
told them that you
can't grow FOOD in sand!!!!!!!!
 If you are starving GET THE F@#K OUT!!!!!!!!!
But then again,apparently they're ancestors survived,or just where did these 
people come from ???

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