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Re: Got Lead?

To: Shop Talk <shop-talk@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Got Lead?
From: Roger Korn <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 18:11:58 -0800

Douglas Shook wrote:

> - snip -
> Now I've heard that people haven't really seen a difference, even with
> hardened seats. Does anyone else have an opinion on this???
> John
> Hi John,
> I'm no authority on gasoline, but in the brit iron newsgroup, there was
> an excruciatingly detailed and long thread on leaded gas and 60-70's
> brit bikes specifically, and older engines in general. The final answer
> was, of course, it depends....doesn't it always?
> In summary, the findings were that iron headed engines probably are more
> prone to valve seat recession than are aluminum headed engines as the
> valve seat inserts used in aluminum headed engines typically are harder
> than the iron used to cast a typical cylinder head.
> <snip>

Brit iron is its own worst enemy. Valve seat problems rank below Lucas
electrics, oil leaks, and bizarre thread standards on my list.


BSA Gold Star, Norton Manx (short stroke), AH100, and Morgan +4 wannabe,
proving that ignorance can be cured but there's no cure for stupid.

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