From: Peter Schauss x 2014[]
Subject: Wire brush wheels
While preparing to replace the sills on my MGB I have discovered
that a wire brush wheel does a very good job of removing rust, paint,
undercoating, and the glue which was used to hold down the carpet.
I initially tried it in my die grinder (1/4" air driven) and it worked very
well. The shape of the die grinder is ideal for getting into tight
spots. However, I noticed that the die grinder has a rated speed
of 22,000 rpm while the wire brush wheel is rated at a maximum of
4000 rpm. Does anyone know where I can get wire brush wheels with
an appropriate speed rating (1/4" shaft) or, conversely, is there
another type of air tool which would be more appropriate
for this purpose?
I looked in the McMaster-Carr catalog (310)692-5911 and found
brushes with 25,000 RPM ratings, and have 3/8" arbors (P/N 4877A38 and A34)
(1/4" shaft 3/8" arbors are 4875A11 @ $1.62) and many with 20,000 RPM
ratings that are 1/4" shaft mounted (7077A and other series'). I recommend
calling and getting the catalog, or I'd be happy to fax the page to anyone
who wants it.
Note also that your 22,000 RPM speed is probably lower when a wheel is on
the tool; the loading will slow it down.
Mark Miller