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Re: Tool Boxes, tools rattling

Subject: Re: Tool Boxes, tools rattling
From: (thomas walter x5955)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 96 08:15:09 CDT

I've taken small towels, flipped the bottom third up, then stitched
in some "pockets". Tools drop down, flip over the top, and roll it
up. Secured the roll with a velco strap, and you have a tool box that
will fit into those odd places (under the spare tire, etc).  As Dave
commented, tools can get "lost in there".

Also a sheet (4'x 6') of plastic to lay on helps.

CAR SPECIFIC: Talk with the fellow owners of YOUR MODEL vehicle.
For my Datsun Roadsters, the brake calipers have an external metal
tube connecting the two side's. Rare, but a rock will catch it, and
the tube ends up rubbing against the rim... NO brake's.  I carry an
extra set (along with a 7/16" flare nut wrench and brake fluid) to
assist fellow club members.  [also vise grips could pinch off the
tube... letting you 'limp' home].

Carb float (Brass SU ones... seem to know when you are the furthest
  from home, then leak).

Duct tape (had a club member NOT secure the battery before a Sunday
  tour... battery flipped over, smashing the distributor cap! Taped
  the biggest parts back together to get them home).

Other stuff has been mentioned, but under the spare tire is a good
place to curl up some extra heater hose and fuel line (also one of
those universal electric pumps). [Spare sits in the trunk, in my case]

Radiator hoses and fan belt: put NEW ones on the car, and the OLD ONES
into the trunk. I've seen many of club members with "spare belts"
they tossed into the trunks, only to discover they wouldn't fit!

Extra towel, and some hand cleaner. ;-)  [For some odd reason, I seem
to be always called upon to assist! ;-)]


Tom Walter
Austin, TX.

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