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Re: Garage floor cleaning

To: "Jack L. Poller" <>
Subject: Re: Garage floor cleaning
From: (Bob M)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 22:01:36 -0800

I haven't seen that ash stuff in years- where do you get it?

I have been using kittly litter for years now to soak up ATF, and forgot
all about that stuff we used to use in HS auto shop . . .

'66 & '67 X 2 Mustangs, etc. etc. . . .
(newest car is a '70 F-250 ;-)
(& the '94 E-350 Ford class C econoline
        chassis RV I own with my SO;

>Use an oil-sweep product.  Typically, these look similar to kitty-litter.
>In California, we get "rice hull ash".  Basically, the leftovers
>from rice production.  Spread generously on the affected area, and
>rub in with the back edge of a push broom.  Wait, remove, repeat.
>I usually leave it on at least a day.  It will 'suck' a good portion
>of the oil out of the concrete.

>Jack L. Poller

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