I am considering adding power steering using a kit from CPP. It uses a
"Saginaw power steering box" from a late 70's-early 80's Chevy pickup.
My '57 GMC (Pontiac) V8 is not a 350 Chevy, so finding aftermarket
brackets to attach a power steering pump is about impossible. I do have
a power steering pump and mounting hardware from a '57 Pontiac which
will bolt right onto my truck.
My question is "Will a power steering pump from a '57 Pontiac work well
with a early 80s Saginaw power steering box?" I don't have specs for an
early 80's pump, but I do have specs for the '57 pump.
--Minimum Output-- --Maximum Output-- Relief Valve
Engine Engine Opens At
1.5 465 700 2.1 1500 50 775-875
Anyone have the equivalent specs for the late model pump?
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959