Something to consider --
If you select a popular, contemporary, factory color,
you'll easily be able to get touch up paint that matches.
This way its easy to paint small items like trim and bracketry to match.
I've selected GM Victory Red for my 53 for this reason.
>Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 18:26:42 -0000
>From: Duff Karen ES-19 103 FW/EM <>
>Subject: [oletrucks] What color RED?
>It's not quite time to paint, but I have to pick out the paint color now....
>Can you fellow truckers who have painted their trucks RED...share some
>insight, what colors you used, did you like it or not, and if you have a
>pic....i would love to see it..this is a big step and i could use your
>53 3100
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959