Guess that would depend on how long storage is as you know rust buildup
will be the enemy. On my motorcycles before I store them for the winter I
drain the contents, remove the tank and pour a bit of lightweight oil and
coat the inside of the tank. The thin layer of oil prevents any rust from
starting and does a great job. In the spring just a bit of gas sloshed
around removes this and good to go for another year. On the contrary side,
i've read where its best to fill the tank completely full, add sta-bil so
the fuel don't go bad and store away. I feel this would be better if you're
just storing a running truck for the winter or something..
Just my thoughts. --wayne
At 06:28 PM 5/1/2005, Chuck Mayes wrote:
>I've recently removed the stock gas tank from the cab of my 1950 Chev truck.
>Should I do anything other than drain any remaining gas for storing?
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959