Hey guys My 12 year old nephew finally talked his Dad into getting his '54
Chevy put back together.
My brother in law bought this truck in Wyoming about 20 years ago as a rust
free running truck and hooked it up to his station wagon and headed home about
half way home the station wagon gave up and he swapped them around and hauled
the old wagon home behind the truck.
this truck was offered to me 8 years ago for $600.00 bucks
I told him it looked like too much work and then found my '48 . well anyone
that knows me can tell you I did much more on mine than I would of on that
Any way when my nephew was about 6-7 he started bugging dad to fix up the old
truck for him and now they have begun
Here's a website created for the build
send Him an encouraging e-mail and make his day
His name is Alix
Thanks Guys
1948 Chevy
1980 MCI-9
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959