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[oletrucks] Paint Codes

To: teftom@comcast.net
Subject: [oletrucks] Paint Codes
From: IDPHR@aol.com
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 09:05:44 EST
I have color charts for Chev Commercial Colors 47-50:
Mariner Blue: Code 22-1401
Windsor Blue:Code 22-1402
These Charts were for Acme "Fleet-X" paint, mfg by the Acme White  Lead & 
Color Works, Detroit MI.
As a caution, I searched for paint for my '49 Burb using both Acme and  
Dupont numbers...the paint suuppliers could not match the numbers...I had to  
sample to the paint guy and have them matched...big $$.
Good luck, Steve G,

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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