i do HVAC and have tested that triple layer bubblewrap stuff. its a foil
sandwich with bubblepack in between.
and not only cuts noise but heat as well. its easilly cut with serrated
steak knife and stays put even without glue but some sprayglue will keep it
in tact.
you can paint it to hide it or leae it.
i used it floor, firewall, ceiling.
the only downside ive found over 2 years of use is that it MUST be covered
with carpet wherever you walk on it-it doesnt like to be ground down. the
only spot it finally broke down and punched ahole through it was right under
my gas pedal heel-the rest of the floor has held up fantastic.
you can get it in 18,24,36,48" wide rolls.
northern california
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959