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Re: [oletrucks] comments on Pertronix ignitions?

To: mark@noakes.com
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] comments on Pertronix ignitions?
From: Steven Stuckmeyer <slstusmc@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 18:51:38 -0700 (PDT)
I used the pertonix EI module in my 67 Scout and 47 Dodge(stock) with no 
problems for years. I've put them in all models of gas and lp forklifts at work 
for several customers with the same realiability. Only time I found a problem 
is when another mechanic gave the wrong distributer number and installed the 
wrong module. That thru the timing off just enough to not run very well. I've 
delt with their customer service several times and they are very good and 
helpful as well. The unit is also really easy to install and will keep your 
stock look. Another 2 bits worth.
31 5100
St Peters, MO

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