> Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 18:18:56 -0700 (PDT)
> From: mark@noakes.com
> Subject: [oletrucks] bumper brackets TF fleetside
> I found an absolutely straight original rear bumper that will chrome up
>nicely for my 58
> GMC wideside (fleetside) pickup. This is not an aftermarket step bumper; it
>is what I
> have heard called a California style bumper for later model trucks...that's
>the best way
> I know to describe it.
> However it does not have bumper brackets with it.
> Are the brackets the same as the step side brackets or are they
>special/specific for the
> fleetside?
> Anybody have any fleetside bumper brackets or know of any for sale?
I had some of these brackets many years ago, and I recently
looked for them in my junk piles with no luck. Darn!
I recall the center two brackets are either identical or
nearly identical to the stepside, but the outer brackets are
longer (the fleetside bumper is straight, the stepside is
curved in). The two bumpers look the same in the middle,
the difference is in the ends where the fleetside bumper is
straight and just has "caps" molded into it at the ends,
without the wraparound of the stepside bumper.
Just send me the bumper and then you won't need to find
brackets! :)
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