The biggest issue is the one you mention; it doesn't work with closed driveline
and you
would have to swap (54/55 1st series parts?).
The best part of the deal is that it will convert your 3.90 final drive ratio
to 2.73
for less stress on the engine at cruise and better mileage.
These are not for high hp, but a stock or near stock engine should be fine with
the OD.
A minor negative if you care about engine braking, is that the vehicle will
nearly free
wheel with the OD engaged, and you'll have to downshift more than usual to
deal with
A minor plus is, per the orignal literature that I have, is that it's easier to
drive in
stop and go traffic...can't prove that one by me yet though.
The original controls are a combination of mechanical, electrical, and a
governor, so
it's pretty convoluted for what it does. The relays, switches, wiring harness,
etc that
go with it are hard to come by if you want to do it totally as original. There
are also
mechanical only (solenoid is jumpered for this one) and more modern control
that can also be done. I collected parts off of an auction site for my brother
to do a
stock installation on his 57 farm truck with a 235 six. For my Suburban setup,
I intend
to use the more modern switching approach whereby I'll get something like a 6
speed out
of my 3...I say "something like" since I don't think all gears will be useful
way...but it will be better than a 3 speed at least.
I have collected a pretty extensive file of original literature (and per orginal
literature, the OD was available for the TF trucks, though the GMC also had a
high speed
rear end that would negate the need for the OD anyway) and magazine articles
on stock
and modified setups; let me know if you get it.
Mark Noakes
On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, Ronald Smiley wrote:
> Group: There is a saginaw 3spd with over drive listed
> on one of the auction sites. They are looking for a
> opening bid of two hundred for it, less than a hundred
> thousand miles. Obviously its not compatible with the
> torque tube. I would appreciate any insight into
> this. Is this a desirable addition to a 53 3100?
> Ron
> 53 3100
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oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959