My 51 originally had a 216 'splasher' and it would get 15 psi on a good day.
The gage only went to 30 psi and it has a little tube that is connected to
the oil line so I get the actual pressure. It doesn't go through a sensor
and then to an electric gage etc. The full pressure 235 has 45 psi?
therefore my 30# gage is pegged when the engine is running, or used to be
until now. When there is no pressure the needle drifts slowly down to rest
on the 'zero' number. The fluctuating pressure happens usually at idle but
also while running at 50 mph down the road. I used to have 15 psi at idle.
I had a 60# gage that I got from a GMC and was going to put in but I haven't
seen it since the divorce so I reckon that the Mean Mommy Monster has it
somewhere and is torturing it everyday by keeping it in a F*%# glove box or
something equally evil. :( But I digress and must apologize and get back to
fixing my true love. ;) I may try the turpentine thing or diesel fuel or
maybe just change the oil and see what happens.
51 Chevy 1/2 ton Deluxe 5 window with fluctuating oil pressure
>I have a couple of additional questions. Does your
>gage only go to 30 PSI, since you said it was pegging
>out? So is it really pegging out at both ends? Is
>your gage off an electrical sensor or do you have an
>actual oil line running to the gage (they used to have
>lines to the gage, I don't know if those are still
>used). And is this happening all the time or only
>under certain conditions; idle, accelerating, etc.
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