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Re: [oletrucks] survey of high-speed options

To: "Steve Hanberg" <steve@OldSub.com>, "tim" <lloydt@Colorado.EDU>,
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] survey of high-speed options
From: "Charles Culver" <clca@houston.rr.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 19:49:38 -0700
I have the higher speed rear end gears in my '50 3600, and can cruise all
day at 60-65 now, even with the old granny gear transmission.  However, I
intend to do the transmission swap for a 5-speed S10, which will make a
tremendous difference, and I understand it's basically a bolt-in, at least
for the 3600.  My friend and list member has a '49 3600, and has done this
modification successfully, and can give you the details.  You out there,

Smokey Culver
League City, Texas
'50 3600 (Mine)
'58 Apache (Hers)
'99 LC Intruder 1500 (She won't touch it)
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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