Jerry, yeh, those are neat old ads! I found some a few years back for the '54s
and the '55 1st series trucks. I put them under plexiglass and framed them.
They really look nice, and people are always asking me how I made them! I have
to explain that they are the real thing! Yes it is very difficult to scan them!
Have fun with them!
Rick (Griz) Warren
'55 1st series 3100
White Heath, IL. wrote: I visited my favorite auction on Wednesdays near
Dulles Airport in the DC
area. Lots of stuff ranging from box-lot yard sale junk to fine antiques. I
picked up about 40-50 old Post mags from the early thru late '50s for $5, a
few earlier and later years. LOTS of old ads, some nice two-pagers as well!
It's really too bad, too, because these are the oversized magazines, and I
can't get an entire page on the scanner bed, much less both pages! I will try
to scan some of them and put on my AMC/Suburban website at Geocities.
I also acquired about 15 old picture frames and old car ads from the 20's
thru the 60's, just about all cars. Basically $2 for all of them. It was a
pretty good night, cheap too, and considering I'm still unemployed, that's a
good thing! :) I'll inform the List when I get some pics of the ads posted.
Well, back to flippin pages. Later,
'55 Chevy Suburban TF, still in storage...
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
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oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959