Years ago a member of this list let me pay for an item $50/month and sent
the item while the first check was in the mail!! I will never forget that my
friends, honesty and truth will always win the day. I love this list.
----Original Message-----
From: New Mexico Jim <>
Cc: Trucks list <>
Date: Friday, November 10, 2000 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Re: (oletrucks) Jacked by a list member!!!
>I got a trans from somebody on this list and it was exactly as he said
>it was. The only bummer was it was for a 55/1 AD and I have an enclosed
>driveline. I was thinking all AD � tons were inclosed. My fault
>completely, because I didn't look into this close enough. I got a shirt
>was was impressed with it a lot. I almost got some brake drums from
>somebody on the Napco list and it paid off this time, I asked again what
>the drums fit. Good thing I did, they were for a TF, not a an AD and at
>a good price, too. Oh, well. Will I ever buy stuff from other members?
>You bet. I might not have gotten what I needed, but I made 3 mores
>friends. It's a small risk I am willing to take. Hey, maybe something
>bad happened to that dude. I sure hope not.
>"Edward T. Dingo" wrote:
>> Ok, group, our consensus (wife's and mine) is...
>> 275 bucks isn't chicken feed, it's serious money.
>> You wrote a decent letter (as yet no reply, correct?)
>> And it IS deer season, at least here in Mich., give the person a bit
>> more time.
>> As the wife said, and was mentioned here also, all we have here is our
>> trust in
>> each other. For advice, parts, even T-shirts (no offense John!) If one
>> cannot be
>> trusted, or taken at his/her word, what else is left? If this person
>> later
>> lists something we might need for our '57 3100, we would like to know
>> before
>> sending any money on to him, regardless of the price of said part. Miq
>> might be
>> going into uncharted waters if he does the job of middleman. If he
>> chooses to do
>> so, more power to him!
>> Bottom line; if unresolved satisfactorily, let all know. Just as name
>> of a
>> "shady" vendor should be known to all. Our 4 cents...her 2 and my 2.
>> Ed and Sue in Mich.
>> '57 3100
>> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
>oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959