I have never seen or at least remember any old burb without sliding
GremlinGTs@aol.com wrote:
> I had a guy email me, saying they came on all TF Suburbans. Maybe in HIS
> area, but not in the Virginia/Maryland area! All the TF subs I've ever seen
> in junkyards, except for two of them, have had solid glass panes, not sliding
> glass. One was already missing both sets, and the other I just got the rear
> windows out, as the front sliding pair had already been removed. They're 4
> inches different in length. Anyway, was wondering if anyone who has
> extensively seen Subs in salvage yards can comment on how many sliding
> windows in the '55-59 era trucks they've seen, as I've not found them common
> at all in my area of the country. Just curious,
> Jerry, native Virginian
> '55 TF Suburban, project hopefully revived soon...
> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959