I had a long running trial of Barsleak and was pretty satisfied with it. My
wife has a pacer...First car she ever owned...bought it new with her own
money...it's never gonna go away, and I think she married me because I'm
one of the last people on the planet who'll work on it. It developed a
crack on the left hand side of the block that ran from the bell housing
about two thirds the length of the block towards the front. The car had
about 90,000 miles on it and I guess I could have swapped out the engine,
but the engine was a great runner, and just the thought of wrestling all
that iron around in that tiny space was more than I wanted. The crack was
long but mostly continually weepy, so I decided to try Barsleak, and it
worked admirably. about every three years the system needed a little
recharging, but it ran another 12 years and 130,000 miles before we
installed a new engine last year.
> For group discussion!
> What are the opinions out there concerning Bars Leak or other "stop
> leak" products. I am losing coolant and have been unable to find the
> source of the leak. I'd like to try a leak stopping product but am aware
> that plugging problems can arise. This is in an '84 Corvette BTW
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