Hi all:
I've finally been able to drive my 55 2nd GMC on a daily basis for the past
few weeks. (the gas companies doubled their prices to help me celebrate). I
expected to have some problems to work through, and I've not been
disappointed. Other than the transmission cooler line splitting and dumping
a whole bunch of blood on my driveway, and repeating the trick in a busy
parking lot the next day (shouldv'e taken the time to replace the whole hose
instead of just cutting off the end of the old hose), the main problem has
been keeping the 454 cool.
It has decided it wants to get hotter and hotter as though the cooling
system is inadequate. I replaced the thermostat (180) but it didn't change
anything. It gets hot up to 230 or so when idling, and doesn't cool off much
when driving on the open road. If I take right off and drive with out
sitting and idling the temp guage will stay in the 212 range. The radiator
is the original, that came with the orig V8. It might be the rising ambient
temperatures, but it seems like the overheating problem is getting worse.
What else can I do besides get a new, bigger radiator? If I do need a bigger
radiator, what the best one to get so the problem will be over? I'm planning
to add the Vintage Air unit sometime, so 454 need all the cooling help it
can get. The fan is the biggest electric fan I could get.
Karl Lutes
Union KY
55 2nd GMC sort of rod
58 Chev FS in limbo