Well, I was going to paint my bedwood black and use plain bolts-but after
seeing the wood(even tho it was yellow pine and the cheapest available) I
just had to stain it. It looks so good stained that now I have to go with
stainless bolts. I'm still painting the strips body color which leads to my
question! I'm useing acrylic enamel(PPG-DAR) and I've never used a clear
coat before. Will a clear coat make it better looking and hold up better or
is it neccesary with acrylic enamel. What clear coat do you use and when do
you put it on. I have very limited knowledge of useing a clear coat so any
help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,
Don Simmons
1953 3100
1962 C10 etc.
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959