You are exactly right; just cap it off & all will be fine.
Doug Pewterbaugh
Denton, TX
49 3104 216 5-window
----- Original Message -----
From: Wade Benton <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 12:57 PM
Subject: [oletrucks] Brake Hoses and Intake Noise
> The rear hard brake line on my 49 3100 doesn't look original because it
> is not bent well and there is only one hose in the back that runs from
> the frame the the right side of the axle into the hard line. Then the
> hard line runs to the right to backing plate a short distance and to the
> left all the way across the axle. I thought that usually the hoses ran
> directly down to the backing plate from the hard lines. If anyone knows
> about this I would really appreciate the help because I my dad went
> ahead and bought 4 brake hoses.
> Also one day while driving I heard a pop and from then on there has
> been this wistling noise coming from the engine. I found it came from a
> little valve on the intake manifold below the carberator a few inches
> that is square and has a threaded hole in it that sucks air in. The
> noise is really loud and anoying and it quits when I put my finger over
> it. What this is I don't know but I figured yall might. I think it
> might the vacum for the wipers I don't have.
> Thank,
> Wade Benton
> 1949 3100
> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959