> If anyone is interested, here is a link to Scott's (Sensing, the 10,000
> miles in a stock AD for a cure guy) newest site:
> http://www.truck.bigstep.com/
> Imagine going from Tennessee to Alaska in a stock AD
> .......................... I'd say this guys' got some major league
> huevos. I talked with him last year, and I plan on meeting him in my
> stock 49 at the Texas/Arkansas border, and trailing with him at least
> until Dallas, but am going to try and make it as far as El Paso (about
> 1800 miles RT). Anyone in the Texas area that is interested, let me know
> and we'll all link up and escort him all the way through (or at least as
> far as you/we can make it) the Great State.
> As another member said, it would be WAY cool to help this guy by giving
> him names and numbers of listees on his route in case of an emergency
> .................... didn't someone (Jeff?) make a master roster of list
> members last year?
> Brad
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Miq Millman miq@teleport.com
Tualatin, OR
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959