I read your article on good sources for truck related info in the recent
issue of This Old Truck magazine. Great article, by the way. You always
write some great stuff for that pub.
Just wanted to say thanks for one of the tips you put in the article about
having a master parts book. While I don't currently have one you had also
mentioned that the chevy dealers still happened to have fenders for the
60-66 pickups in stock as recently as last year. A friend of mine is
restoring a '60 and needed a pair so I let him know that the dealer might
have them and Bingo, there's two on the way. One from Reno and one from
Dallas. And now he doesn't have to settle for thin, cheap aftermarket
repops or fiberglass.
Anyways, thanks again for that tip and for all of the great support you
constantly provide for us on this list.
Dave Riffel
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959