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Re: [oletrucks] Assistance with granddad's truck

To: "JD Sipes" <jdsipes@ouray.cudenver.edu>, <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Assistance with granddad's truck
From: "jack halton" <safesix@worldnet.att.net>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 21:06:20 -0400

    Thanks for posting that photo. I tried enlarging the image but can't
make out the emblems on the side. I would guess it's a 500 series, diesel
powered, maybe you can make out the ID from the original photo. And your
Grandda sure looks proud! In those days, nobody confused one of these
Jimmies with a Chevy....

Jack / Winter Park FL

----- Original Message -----
From: JD Sipes <jdsipes@ouray.cudenver.edu>
To: <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, July 12, 1999 6:06 PM
Subject: [oletrucks] Assistance with granddad's truck

> Hey,
>     It has been a long time since I have posted to the group, and boy
> has this
> group grown.
>     I was hoping I could get a little assistance with identifying my
> granddad's
> GMC truck. I have a little web page at:
>             http://ouray.cudenver.edu/~jdsipes/truck.html
>     I am looking for any kind of information, be it a story, a
> suggestion as to
> were else to look, or anything else that pops into your mind. All help
> is
> greatly appreciated.
>                 Thanks,
>                         JD Sipes
>                             (52 1/2 ton Chevy three window)
> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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