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Re: [oletrucks] Engine questions.

To: Ole Trucks <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Engine questions.
From: "Antonio R. Tijerino" <antonio@innercite.com>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 21:12:52 -0700
Thanks to all the members that replied to my engine question. After
reviewing the responses I decided to keep looking for a '54 or newer block
to rebuild my engine. I called a couple of places. I decided to check the
local paper and found the following:
A '56 235 with 3 speed O/D, the ad claims the engine has less than 2K miles
since the last rebuild, the asking price is $500.00, (A lot less than trying
to rebuild my current motor) I called the guy and I will be picking it up
tomorrow. Before I do this, I want to ask the list a couple of questions.

1. What kind of tell tale sign can I use to make sure the engine is as the
seller claims "a recent rebuild". I asked him for receipts and he said he
can provide them.

2. Is the 3 speed with overdrive usable on an enclosed driveline? What is it
involved? Do I need to swap the driveline and rear end? or is there an easy
way to mate it to the enclosed driveline.

3. Is the answer to question 2 is too complicated, How much should I expect
to get for the 3 speed w/OD if I decided not to keep it?

Thanks again.

'53 3100

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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