Tom Burt wrote:
> Wayne/Kevin/oletruckers,
> How my truck was blessed on Easter Sunday: A sucess story to be shared with
> the oletrucks list.
> Easter Sunday I had to deliver four sheets of plastic lattice to my
> brother-in-laws 25-miles away. Being my wifes brother, she insisted that I
> take the '57 truck. I resisted at first, but then yielded to her request.
> En route I nearly chipped a tooth from gritting my teeth while the truck
> repeatedly misfired. We finally made it there without breaking down.
> While visiting, the neice's boyfriend volunteered to take look under the
> hood. His observations were as follows:
> 1.) I had mounted the ignition coil (going clockwise) 135 degrees from
> verticle. This was for two reasons: so that the coil wire would reach the
> distributor and so the bracket be mounted on a flat surface on the firewall
> (recall curved depression feature on cab firewall). I was told by
> autoparts folks that the coil is sealed and that orientation was not a
> problem.
> His Response: Coils must be mounted vertically so that the oil inside
> provides a sufficient dielectric. Any mounting otherwise will weaken or
> damage the coil windings.
> 2.) The only ground he observed was a strap running from the
> tranny/bell-housing to the cab.
> His Response: To ensure a good ground, straps should be attached from the
> engine block to the frame. The webbing on the cab to frame coupled with
> aluminum from bell-housing were two points that could concievably cause
> poor grounding. Poor grounding may cause points to burn faster and HEIs to
> breakdown.
> Turns out, this guy works for Mallory and knows the product pretty well.
> So while there, I gave it a try and reoriented the coil to a verticle
> position. I took it for a test spin and...the misfire disappeared. As for
> the grounding, I plan to add a new strap as suggested from the block to
> frame. He also asserted that for ignition systems GOOD WIRING IS A MUST!
> Something I have to reflect upon since my truck was wired by the PO!
> Tom B. 57 Stepside 3200
> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
Not very often a know-it-all brother-in-law actually does know it
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959