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[Nobbc] Fw: CSRG Late Braking News

To: "nobbc" <>
Subject: [Nobbc] Fw: CSRG Late Braking News
From: "Mike Gianandrea" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:43:20 -0700
----- Original Message -----
From: CSRG
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 1:11 PM
Subject: CSRG Late Braking News

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                  CSRG "Contact Patch"


                        Rule 17: Never let competitors sense your fear.  If
you should feel anxious you should employ the art of misdirection and install
an outrageous exhaust system to distract them.

                  A Few Final Notes on the 44th Season Opener...

                  The fields are filling and the schedule is set as CSRG's
first event of the season inches closer.  Looking through the list of entrants
will show participants from across the country and from Canada.  Since this
April 1st-3rd weekend at Infineon Raceway has no sound restrictions it appeals
also to those whose cars translate power to the ground and into the air.
There is also a respectable and representative field of MGs.  You may look at
the weekend schedule and the tentative (but still growing) list of entrants by
going to and clicking on the quick links on the home page.

                  Registration: Registration is still open and entries can
still be processed through but don't wait much longer.
Registrar Petey and Race Director Tom will do everything possible to
accommodate entries but with everything that needs to be completed during the
last week it is hard to make promises.  After this Friday night (the 25th)
registrations via rrevs must be input into the fields by hand and by Monday
the programs and other paperwork are finalized for printing.  Bottom line,
registration is still open but get to it!  To paraphrase Tom, they will try to
accommodate people until the last minute but sometimes performing a miracle
may not be possible.

                  Practice: If you have already registered and have now
decided you would like to add Friday's practice, I have good news.  It will be
possible to sign-up for the practice sessions at the track when you sign in at
registration on April 1st.

                  Event Packets: If you registered by Friday the 18th you can
expect to receive your event packet in the mail.  Participants who have
registered after will pick up their packet at the track.  There is a high
probably that some packets will be distributed on Thursday afternoon or early

                  Tech Inspection: No promises but it is possible there may be
a tech or two on hand Thursday afternoon to get a head start on their job.
Officially tech doesn't begin until Friday morning but most of the techs race
also and know how it feels to try to get through the registration process and
be on track in time for practice.  They know much of the pressure is gone when
a racer has tech and registration completed early in the day.  You can help us
get through this efficiently.  Please have all the paperwork completed, log
book filled out, med card in hand and all your equipment ready for inspection
before you hunt for a inspector.  The better prepared you are for an
inspection the more cars per hour can be inspected.  Thanks in advance.

                  Infineon Raceway 101...

                  Where do you enter the track to pre-grid?  What do you do
when you see a red flag?  How far should you be off the wall in turn 1 so you
are lined up properly for the braking zone at turn 2?  Should you sweep
through turn 7 or treat it as a double apex?  Here is a note from Driver
Orientation Director Gary Anderson who will host an orientation session on

                  Drivers racing at Infineon Raceway for the first time, both
new CSRG members and visiting drivers, are requested to attend a one-hour
orientation session on Friday at 11:00 a.m. in the old Drivers lounge in the
building near the grille and Wine Country store.  At this session we will
cover safety practices and track procedures of CSRG and at Infineon that will
be followed during the weekend.  There will be an optional session for
approximately one hour at 4:30 on Friday in the same location for new drivers
and guests to get tips about Infineon track lines and cornering techniques
from several MG drivers who are very familiar with the track.

                  Hey, Tech Inspectors!!!

                  Chief of Tech Pete Lewis has informed me that at least four
additional tech inspectors are needed to assist in processing cars other than
the MGs.  Pete said Scott Brown has the MGs covered.  (A tip-of-the-hat to
Scott and his crew.)  If you can help Tech on Friday, or were planning to Tech
but didn't connect with Pete, please drop an email to
and let him know.  Note: There is a tech refresher course and question/answer
session scheduled for 8 a.m. Friday in the Drivers Lounge.  Pete said, "Won't
take long as we have a lot of cars that need our services in order to get out
for 1 p.m. practice."  Remember we will be doing the annual safety gear
inspection at this event.

                  "Back in the day" most of CSRG's members would help make a
race weekend run smoothly by volunteering to do a job.  It is still a
rewarding feeling to be helpful so pitch in and be a volunteer.  Those who
have never teched before will be paired with someone with experience so the
learning curve will be shortened.  Many hands make light work, raise yours.

                  Registration for Rolling Thunder is open now...

                  Thunderhill Raceway Park will be the site of CSRG's second
event of the year.  Rolling Thunder will take place on May 20th-22nd and will
feature all of CSRG's traditional run groups plus a visit from the Historic
Stock Car group.  This should be a fun event for everyone involved and a treat
to see the big stock cars battle through turns 5 and 6 or turn 15 as they
emerge onto Thunderhill's famous long front straight.  After a great day of
racing we will all kick back on a warm spring evening and swap stories at the
paddock party.  Register online by going to or downloading
mail-in forms at

                  Looking for the red line at Infineon (please don't call me

                  Hy Arpeamz

                  On behalf of CSRG

                  Miscellaneous Information...

                  Renew your membership:  Click on to renew.

                  Event registration:  Register online by going to  Mail in forms can be obtained by clicking on the "Entry"
button on our home page at  Note: Mail-in entry forms are
specific for each event and will usually appear on the site 6 to 8 weeks
before an event.

                  Download Medical Forms: Click on CSRGmedform11.pdf to
download a copy of the form.  Mail the forms to CSRG at P.O. Box 3223, San
Rafael Ca. 94912.  Email if you have problems or
additional questions.

                  Mailing Address: CSRG, P.O. Box 3223, San Rafael, California

                  Medical Cards for Guest Competitors:  CSRG recognizes
current and valid medical cards as issued by FIA, SCCA, and all organizations
approved and accepted by the Vintage Motorsports Council.

                  2011 Schedule:

                  May 20-22:  Rolling Thunder, Thunderhill Raceway Park

                  September 30-October 2:  CSRG's 8th Annual Charity
Challenge, Infineon Raceway

                  October 28-30:  CSRG's 44th Season Finale and Awards Dinner,

                  Membership:  We welcome drivers who believe in the spirit of
vintage racing.  Curious?  Need more info?  Email or go to

                  Join our Mailing List!
                  Images: (Images are best viewed on a large screen.)
Historical image of Hall-Maser sourced from  No commercial
gain is intended or desired by CSRG in the display of historical images.

                              Oakland ACURA

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      CSRG | | P.O. Box 3223 | San Rafael | CA | 94912
Suggested annual donation  $11.47

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