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Re: [Nobbc] Speed

To: North Bay British Car Club <>
Subject: Re: [Nobbc] Speed
From: Mark Darley <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 18:56:36 -0800
Hello all,

It is a while since I joined you on a ride...last one was out to Napa  
from Santa Rosa which was great.  The only reason you do not see me  
more often is other commitments.

My 2 cents on the speed:
When my wife is along she doesn't like being tossed around.  Seems  
some wives agree, while others delight in a thrill!

When I am alone or with a male co-driver, speed is fine now that my  
MGA has new rubber etc.

Valentine's Day was my first run last year and we arrived late but  
joined the run to the winery.  We were a bit surprised at the speed  
(the car had not had ANY driving since I had redone brakes, clutch  
etc. and it was my wife's first experience of the car), but stunned by  
the beauty of the route.

I enjoyed the speed (and spraying Andy with oil, unburned fuel and  
rocks.  I notice Andy is now always in front of me but now worries  
about the ability of my drums to stop short of his rear end.)
Suzanne wants to go back and SEE the scenery that zipped by on that  
first ride!

General conclusion I draw is that those with passengers should group  
and drive leisurely.  Those out for a thrill should go ahead at speed.
And we all meet for lunch.  The speedsters get to eat earlier!


Mark Darley
415 381 5452

On Jan 17, 2011, at 6:37 PM, Ron Engelhardt wrote:

> Well, beg to differ but The City IS NYC! We did have a ride many  
> years ago to San Francisco/Marin Headlands and it would be great to  
> do it again if anyone wants to put it together. My $.02
> Ron
> 58 MGA
> Clif & Deborah Williamson wrote:
>> Has the club ever done a ride to The City?  San Francisco for those  
>> who don't know what "The City", is.   We came across a Citroen  
>> group a few years ago.  They were from all over the world, doing an  
>> around the world tour. Must be nice.  Some of the cars were  
>> perfect, others pretty beat up originals.
>> Anyway they met up in a big parking lot in The Presidio.  There  
>> were maybe 40 cars.  But I think it would be cool to met up at the  
>> new Palace of Fine Arts.  I think there is a parking lot at the  
>> Exploratorium.  Do some back roads, drive through Sausalito, over  
>> the bridge...blah blah blah.  Or out to Marin Head Lands.  If it's  
>> nice that would be a great place to met up and picnic.  Some great  
>> photo ops as well.
>> Just some ideas.
>> Clif and Deborah  74 JH
>> -----Original Message----- From: Greg Tatarian
>> Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 1:07 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Nobbc] Speed
>> On 1/17/2011 1:00 PM, Ron Engelhardt wrote:
>>> I've noticed on the (few) rides I haven't led that I must drive  
>>> quite a bit faster in the rear than in the front due to the  
>>> accordion effect (especially on larger rides).
>> I actually enjoy that accordion effect, and will often hang well  
>> back so
>> I can catch up on the turns.
>>> Someone may want to step up and plan a special March ride. In the  
>>> past our rides in March have tended to be really great (when not  
>>> rained out).
>> What do people think of an overnighter sometime in the Spring,  
>> Summer or
>> early Fall? Doesn't look like too many of us are into camping, but  
>> that
>> could be an option, or a hotel. Obviously, this would be a longer  
>> drive
>> with perhaps a special destination?
>> Greg
>> cars and trucks
>>> Ron
>>> 58 MGA
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