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Re: [Nobbc] (no subject)

To: North Bay British Car Club <>
Subject: Re: [Nobbc] (no subject)
From: William Shoemaker <>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 16:14:29 -0700
The transmission seems to be the weak link in those Jags. My '91 went 
into " limp home mode (3rd and reverse only) and there was no easy fix. 
I retired it for parts at 138K
and found a '90 VDP for $4000 with only 109k on it. My '92 XJ6 is also 
still going strong with about 128K...just holding my breath..hoping for 
no more tranny trouble!
Bill Shoemaker '90 & '92 Jags wrote:
> Don't you mean 200k? If its any consolation I spent almost that on my F250 
>transmission and it doesn't work properly. I hope you have better luck. 
> Walter 
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Paige, Dean" <>
> Sender:
> Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 09:46:55 
> To: 'North Bay British Car Club'<>
> Reply-To: North Bay British Car Club <>
> Subject: [Nobbc] (no subject)
> Here's a little story for you NOBBCers.
> Pia and I drove the VDP down to Santa Barbara on the 3rd. We are seriously
> considering a move there within the next year or two. By the way I am retiring
> from employment at City of Santa Rosa. Last day of work Nov. 1. Nov 2 Free at
> last! FREE AT LAST! Great pension and money in the bank!
> So we were out looking at possible homes to buy there. Some good prospects
> actually. On the second day out (Sat) we did a morning of looking. Pulled into
> a grocery and as I was maneuvering into a parking spot I needed to back up a
> little to align properly. Put it in first gear and the trans up shifted to
> 3rd. Not good! Managed to get it back to our hotel in third with the engine
> module noting something wrong and putting us in go slow mode.
> Call the local Jag dealer and had the VDP towed there. Computer diagnosis
> indicates that the trans module had detected an anomaly at a shift point. Put
> the trans in first it detects the fault and goes to default mode first trying
> 5th gear and then settling for 3rd. Replacement trans recommended. Dealer says
> everything needed available.  Jag rebuilt trans found in L.A. Will be shipped
> up on day after labor day.  Before it's shipped It's found to be leaking. Not
> good at all!
> Another Jag rebuilt trans found in New f--kin Jersey. Shipped out on Wednesday
> will arrive on Fri. Installation can be completed in one day. I ship Pia out
> in a rental car for home. She needs to get to work on Fri.
> The damn Jersey trans is lost somewhere in shipping!! What the F--k!! I guess
> there are more then a few Mafioso in Jersey and these trans are rare as hens
> teeth. I have to get home too. Jag dealer gives me a Camry to drive until they
> find another trans. I drive home on Sat. Jag dealer calls Jag Corporate for
> aid. Corporate finds one boxed up and pristine at Van Nuys dealership. They
> are reluctant to give it up. Corporate says do it or ELSE.
> In contact with S.B. dealer during the week I'm informed of the new trans
> availability. It will be brought up by S.B. Jag personnel at 5 a m on Fri. I
> drive back down on Thurs have a nice dinner at the Harbor and sleep well.
> On Fri morn I check in with S. B. Jag. Dysfunctional trans is out and new
> trans is there and will be done by 3:00. I get out to the beach and swim. At
> three I get back to the dealer and lo and behold the trans is in and the VDP
> is on the wash rack and I am on my way by 3:30
> SO, a week and a half, 2000 miles between Pia and I, and $6000 later I am back
> home in a fully functional VDP. Amen!
> Have to admit the VDP has near 20K on it and not much more then recommended
> maintenance has been required so the 6 K isn't really too bad. Considering
> though that I had just completed the installation of the Toyota trans in the
> TR-6 this has been a very expensive summer for my cars.
> I'm just grateful the trans didn't go out in Ardo or King City. That would
> really have been a mess.
> May the fall provide us all with HAPPY MOTORING!
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