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Re: [Nobbc] Ride Reminder for Sat. 10/24

Subject: Re: [Nobbc] Ride Reminder for Sat. 10/24
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 18:28:44 -0400
Hi Greg,

I belong to a club called TRAD JASS (Tradtional Ragtime and Dixieland Jazz
Appreciation & Strutters Society - We meet on the first
Sunday of every month except July at the Last Day Saloon in Santa Rosa for
live music and dancing from 1:00 to 5:30PM. A working band is featured on
three sets, with seven additional sets open for jam sessions with local
musicians. The Saloon has a two venues so there is continuous music all
afternoon. As the name implies, the genre is the classic, traditional (or
whatever you want to call it) jazz of the 1920s and 30s up to the swing era,
the music as played in New Orleans, Chicago and New York in those days by such
luminaries as Louis Armstrong, King Oliver, Kid Ory, Duke Ellington and
others. In order to promote the club we recruit jam bands to play at the
Farmers Market on the Saturdays closest to the upcomong club meetings. You may
have heard us at one of those. The Farmers Market management usually sets
aside four to six dates a year for us to play. We're going to be there
tomorrow from 9:00 to 11:00AM. The RR Square gig is the same deal, promoting
our November 1 meeting, and at the same time helping out the RR Square
Merchants Association by donating our time and talent (such as it is) to help
them promote their event. I play the trombone.

My regular gig is with the Gold Goast Jazz Band ( We
work all over the Bay Area for jazz society meetings, special events, private
parties, etc. On the last Saturday of every month except December you'll find
us playing at Little Switzerland in Sonoma from 1:00 to 4:00PM. If you guys
are out for a ride on one of those Saturdays you might want to stop by.
Bennett Valley Road to Glen Ellen and the back roads that sort of parallel
Arnold Drive would be an entertaining way to get there. The food is good and
there's a large dance floor, so spouses and significant others might want to
come along.

Two other ride destinations in the Sonoma Area that come to mind are Cline
Winery out on Hwy 121 - wonderful picnic grounds and parking that would show
the cars off well; and the airport at Schelleville, home to many antique
airplanes and warbirds - you can even hop a ride in the local barnstormer's
WWII Stearman biplane if you're so inclined.

Sorry for the long answer to your short question. They say retirement is when
you get to do what you were meant for all along, and for me it's turned out to
be music and old British cars.

-----Original Message-----
To: North Bay British Car Club <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 23, 2009 7:55 am
Subject: Re: [Nobbc] Ride Reminder for Sat. 10/24

Hey, Bill,
s the Farmers Market a regular gig for you? If so, I heard you a couple of
eeks ago; band sounds good! What do you play?
ent via BlackBerry by AT&T
-----Original Message-----
ate: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 01:40:02
o: <>
ubject: Re: [Nobbc] Ride Reminder for Sat. 10/24
Hi, Ron et al...Wish I could join you but I have two band gigs Saturday, at
he Santa Rosa Farmers Market in the morning and then Old Railroad Square in
he afternoon. Too many hobbies to give each its due. Have a great ride.
Bill Badstubner
8 Jaguar XK-150 fhc

rom: Ron Engelhardt <>
ent: Wed, Oct 21, 2009 11:23 pm
ubject: [Nobbc] Ride Reminder for Sat. 10/24

ur next ride is this coming Saturday starting at 10AM in our new meeting
lace at Bad Ass Coffee, corner of Mark West and Old Redwood Hwy. We will
hange to our cool weather schedule next month, ie. one ride a month starting
t Noon.
The weather is forecast to be spectacular on Saturday so come out and enjoy
hile it lasts. If anyone has a particular destination to visit  pipe up here
r on Saturday at the meet.
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