For those of you who don't know, MJB is Mark Bradakis, owner of
and host for our Nobbc mail list. As you know, Nobbc doesn't have any
dues and just ocasionally asks for donations for our website etc. Well,
Mark works the same way, doesn't charge for any of his lists including
ours but does ask for donations. He usually only sends his requests to
the bigger lists like the MG list and doesn't bother the smaller private
lists. I sent the below information to you all to explain a problem some
members were having (those with AOL addresses) with bounced emails to
our list. But I'm also putting in a plug for his second paragraph asking
for donations. It would be really nice if some of you would donate to
Mark's lists (including Nobbc). It's a service that is really helpful to
Nobbc in particular and the rest of the British car lists in general and
well worthy of our support. I will be sending him a small amount of cash
and urge you to do so also. I'll be glad to answer any questions about this.
58 MGA
Ron Engelhardt wrote:
> I believe that the issue of AOL folks not getting
> Team.Net email has been resolved. It was a side
> effect of moving to a new ISP and getting a new block
> of addresses.
> On a side note, if you appreciate what you get from my
> efforts and have not donated in a while, you might
> consider clicking on
> mjb.
> _______________________________________________
> Nobbc mailing list
Nobbc mailing list